Hiroyuki Koinuma
ALM Records (Japan) 1982
AL-3012 (LP) textured sleeve. w/obi, insert.
sleeve : NM-
media : EX/EX(some slightly noises.)
After beginning his musical career as a recorder player, Hiroyuki Koinuma was drawn to the yokobue, a classical Japanese flute, and studied shinobue and nohkan under Fukuhara Hyakunosuke (now Takara Sanzaemon), the head of the Fukuhara School of Narimono, and went on to become a Japanese instrumentalist. This album was released from ALM Records in 1982. The aforementioned Shinobue Solo A1, composed by Momonosuke Fukuhara, Shinobue Duet A2, arranged by himself from a famous piece by Rentaro Taki, and Contemporary Japanese Music B3, composed by Shinobue and guitar, it is excellent works that present the appeal of the sound of the transverse flute in a variety of ways. A2, a shinobue flute and song rendition of the Miyagi folk song "Kari Chigiri Uta," and A4, an improvisation with a large drum by Kyosuke Suzuki, are also excellent. The recordings by Kojima Yukio, who presides over Kojima Recording, are also excellent in every way.
A4: 龍笛と大太鼓による即興曲
A4: 龍笛と大太鼓による即興曲
B2: 獅子 能管独奏