Sonus Non Capax Infiniti
φonon (Japan) 2020
SPF-017 (CD) w/bonus CD
sleeve : NEW
media : NEW
Jun Morita, the Count of Noise, released his second solo album in December 2020 on the "Phonon" label under the supervision of Kaoru Sato of EP-4.
The second volume of "Solo Orchestra with Modular Synths!
To close out the year 2020, we have the long-awaited second solo album from Jun Morita, who continues to deepen his own consistency as a modular synthesizer player and DJ. With gorgeous guests such as Madame Anonimo and Harumi Yamazaki, the album unfolds as a 78-minute musical picture scroll. First pressing limited with bonus CD!
The omega album for COVID 2020 is "Sonus Non Capax Infiniti", the second solo album by Jun Morita, whose first solo album "L'ARTE DEI RUMORI DI MORTE" was released in 2006. The solo orchestra, whose core is an improvisational automated performance using modular synths, is joined by Madame Anonimo, an anonymous woman with over 70 years old, Harumi Yamazaki, Kaoru Sato, flutist Miya, voice Nadiah Sorait, and other gorgeous artists to present a 78-minute musical picture scroll. Since the last album, which was highly acclaimed for its ultra-prosaic electronic music, this album has been a unique and claustrophobic rhythmic creation that perverts breakbeats, house, jazz, and world music ...... on the critical axis of DJ method, and a musical creation with modular synths as a mediator that transforms all sonic elements. This work shows the musical development of the modular synth as a mediator that transforms all sonic elements, and is sublimated to a global anti-originality.
At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the intense tracks "Dancing Pain" and "Modus Vivendi," which are about the COVID disaster and modern history. This is an epochal work of the "turbulent 20s" revived in the 21st century. The title directly translates as "sound does not contain infinity" - referring to the unique human auditory experience. In addition, a bonus CD of live recordings is included in the first pressing only! The total length of the album is over 150 minutes.