Kenny Burrell
At The Five Spot Cafe
Blue Note/Toshiba EMI (Japan) 1992
BN 4021 (LP) w/insert.
sleeve : EX(slightly dirts.)
media : EX/EX(some slightly noises.)
Album released on Blue Note in 1960 by American guitarist Kenny Burrell, who left a number of albums for top US jazz labels, from Blue Note to Prestige, Verve, CTI and Muse. Recorded live at the Five Spot Cafe in New York in 1959 with Tina Brooks (ts), Bobby Timmons (p), Rolland Hanna (p), Ben Tucker (b) and Art Blakey (ds).
The opening track A1, a bluesy rendition of Dizzy Gillespie's score, and A2/B1, a galloping four-beat romp, are masterpieces that groove lightly while maintaining a cool tension throughout. Burrell's guitar style is also evident on B3. This is a Japanese reissue in 1992 on Toshiba EMI's <Blue Note 4000 Series Ultra Collection>.
A1: Birks’ Works
A1: Birks’ Works
B1: Lady Be Good