Manfred Kniel’s Human Music Association
Short Stories
Software Music (Germany) 1982
sowa 108 (LP)
sleeve : EX-(some wear on edge and corner.)
media : EX+/EX+(some slightly noises.)
This is the only album released in 1982 by Manfred Kniel’s Human Music Association, a project led by German drummer Manfred Kniel, who also played with the Frederic Rabold Crew and the krautrock band Message. It was released by Software Music, a minor German label known for numerous obscure masterpieces by artists like Namaz, Fuchs-Goos-Band, and Li Garattoni. The album features a total of 13 musicians, including Frederic Rabold. It is a suite with a narrative theme inspired by Nicaragua and Serbia, presenting contemporary jazz filled with imagination that evokes various scenes, incorporating free improvisation throughout. A very intriguing work.
A2: Es ist Sonntag im Land
A2: Es ist Sonntag im Land