松本章太郎 著
Ele-King Books (Japan)2019
978-4-909483-39-3 (LP) Obi
sleeve : NEW
media : NEW
language : Japanese
Shotaro Matsumoto, a.k.a. Willie, the famous manager and DJ of Coconut Disk Ekoda, has completed a disc guide of "Balearic" music, which is the name of the music group that examines domestic music from a new perspective. It's obvious that "Balearic" is a coined word, but the keyword "Balearic" is also very vague and it's just one atmosphere. The authors of this work are also my friends. The writing team for this album includes myself, Chee Shimizu, Flatic from COS/MES, AZ from Osaka Revelation Time, Same-san from Rockdown, Ura from Cat Boys, Gokaine from Goka Sound Laboratory, Terry the Kid from Coconuts Disk, Mingo, and many others. Gokaine from Goka Sound Laboratory, Terry the Kid from Coconuts Disk, Mingo, and many others who are well versed in Japanese rarities. This is a book that may become a new guideline for the future. This is a book that will guide you in the future. Back in stock now.